DFG Grant for Luca De Siena

The main goal is to image direct- and scattered-wave seismic attenuation across the SE Asia-Australia collision zone from regional to local volcanic scale, combine this with previous velocity imaging, and perform geodynamic modelling to better understand how the mechanical state of the lithosphere and upper mantle affects where melt propagates. It is based on the dissertation of Dr. Aristides Zenonos, former PhD in the group of De Siena and involves as international partners the University of Cambridge (UK), the Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia). The project will apply innovative attenuation tomography techniques to understand the impact of tomographically-reconstructed mantle structures on lithospheric magmatism. It revolves around the potential of using large online datasets to improve imaging of the connection between mantle upwelling and the generation of large sills across subducting plates. Geodynamc modelling aims at starting from these maps to define realistic scenarios for the collision of the Australian, Indian and Sunda plates, involving slab tears on subjecting plates as well as changes in mantle convection. The main target of the study is the reconstruction of the deep feeding systems of Agung volcano, located at the boundary between the colliding Australian plate and the subducting Indian lithosphere.