JGU Press Release of TeMaS related Nature Communications Paper

Analyzing the noise recorded at seismic stations deployed on the Earth’s surface has helped researchers to come to a better understanding and interpretation of the volcanic processes affecting the Phlegraean Fields, or Campi Flegrei as this area is called in Italian. This result has been achieved using a new imaging technique developed by a team of international researchers of the Vesuvius Observatory, a department of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV-OV, Italy), and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany. The study titled “Fluid migrations and volcanic earthquakes from depolarized ambient noise” has been published recently in Nature Communications. The results of this study allow for an improvement in the interpretation of volcanic processes by way of enhanced monitoring of deep fluids, even if at present it has no direct implication for measures that affect the safety of the local population. Check the press release of the Johannes Gutenberg University on the featured Nature Communications paper.

Mariana Cosarinsky
Mariana Cosarinsky